Being in the Skills development industry for the past 8 years, Avj has been able to help the underprivileged people across West Bengal to earn a decent living. More than 25000 students are already being trained and amongst which more than 2200 of them are having an average income of Rs 10000/- per month. In the recent years, mainly after the recession has hit the world, it has been noticed that there is a major development in the lack of skilled labor force in the Indian market. More and more people are falling below the poverty line. A report by NSDC has brought forward the fat that by the year 2025, there will around 500 million skilled |
labor force shortage. The governmenthas taken a major initiative so as to avoid this alarming situation.
However it is pretty prominent, that though the financially weak people are more than willing than to get sustainable skilled trained, but they don’t have the required money to pay for the training as a result of which, though there are many interested people available, but due to lack of the fund ,they are missing out on the opportunity of getting above the poverty line.
The government being very proactive on this issue, but it is also time for the private organizations to come forward and make the socially backward people financially stable through imparting sustainable skill training to them. We at AVJ believe that with the help of the big players in the private sector, we with our expertise would be able to address this issue and make a positive impact
in the society and supply the labor market with more skilled technicians.