• Gurudas mahavidyalay.(12 students)
• Pratibondhee Shangha, association of disabled persons. (10 students)
• JIS college Of Engineering. (42 students)
• World Vision India. (25 students)
• Santipur Municipality, West Bengal. (50 students)
• Uttarpara Kotrung Municipality
• Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd.(45 students)
• West Bengal Minorities development (350 students)
• Corporate Social Responsibility
The ability to make a significant difference in the society and improve the overall quality of life has clearly been proven by the corporates. Not one but all corporates should try and bring about a change in the current social situation in India in order to have an effective and lasting solution to the social woes. AVJ welcomes such initiatives from the Corporates to tie-up for educating students and developing skilled manforce and initiate extensive social change which will put
the socio-economic development of India on a fast track.